Sunday, December 8, 2013

6 Essential Foods for Body Building

6 Essential Foods for Body Building

Almost most men crave body healthy, fit and muscular to increase confidence. To have a healthy body is muscular and can be built with regular exercise.

However, to assist the process of building and not only build muscle by doing regular exercise, but also a healthy diet. Some foods must be included in your daily diet to help the process of muscle formation, as reported by Boldsky below.

  1. EggWhite

    Each egg contains eight essential amino acids to build and maintain muscle. In addition, the vitamin also contains many vitamins, acids, and other nutrients that are essential for healing and re-growth of muscle tissue. Egg whites are fat-free part and not increase the amount of fat in your diet, since fat is located on the yolk.

  2. Wheat

    Oatmeal for breakfast is a great way start your day. High in fiber helps reduce cholesterol and increase the anabolic processes in the body. This will re-fill the glycogen body and senpurna when eaten after exercise.

  3. Whey Protein

    Whey protein is the best food for bodybuilders. this is because the high-quality protein is rapidly absorbed by the body after exercise. In addition, two scoops of whey protein mixed with water will give you instant energy to the body, stop the muscle catabolism and increase anabolism.

  4. Lean Ground Beef

    Beef or lean red meat is a rich source of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B. In addition, lean beef is also high in calories, so it is perfect to be consumed when doing body building.

  5. Red Beans

    Shaping the body is not only about the consumption of red meat and eggs, but also kidney beans. Basically nuts are foods that provide protein and fiber sources, especially red beans. This is because red beans provides nearly 14 grams of protein and fiber per cup.

  6. Fish

    Your body needs essential fatty acids such as omega-3 to help the muscle building process. Although you should avoid saturated fats, but that does not mean ignoring the essential fats from fish. Types of fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines are an excellent source of protein and healthy fat.

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