Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cucumber Juice is the Most Rich in Calcium : Cucumber Juice is the Most Rich in Calcium
Cucumber Juice is the Most Rich in Calcium

Fresh cucumber storing high calcium content. Pas consumed to relieve thirst, while maintaining a healthy body.

Drinking cucumber juice is not going to lose. Because the million benefits contained behind the green juice. Women need 2.5 cups a day and men need about 3 cups, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture suggested.

Each cup cucumber juice is considered as 1 cup of vegetables which help digestion. In addition to these benefits, this juice also makes the risk of obesity and other types of cancer decreased, according to the USDA. Beyond that, here are some full benefits of cucumber juice, as reported Healthyeating.

  • vitamin K

    Drinking cucumber juice to help you achieve the recommended daily intake, which is vitamin K. This vitamin helps you build a network of strong bones and maintain kidney. This juice also plays an important role in blood clotting and activating protein that triggers blood clotting, so the juice can stop the bleeding after suffering tissue damage. This juice also helps counteract the effects of vitamin K deficiency which may cause nosebleeds, bruising, and bleeding gums.

  • copper

    Cucumber juice is a source of copper which helps make neurotransmitters. It helps you to produce healthy red blood cells, strengthen networks and boost the immune system. In addition, to protect from free - radical damage cell damage that occurs when you are exposed to environmental toxins or sunlight. Copper in cucumber juice also supports your active lifestyle because of cell - se you need copper to produce energy.

  • calcium

    Cucumber juice serves as a source of calcium friendly. Hydroxyapatie, tissue minerals that add strength to teeth and bones, it also contains calcium. So that the juice be the right choice to meet the needs of calcium that helps maintain bone density. The muscles also use calcium and nervous system relies on a small amount of calcium to help transmit nerve impulses. Get enough calcium to help maintain the body's balance of hormones in the bloodstream because calcium helps control the release of hormones.

Things that Must be Considered in The Diet : Things that Must be Considered in The Diet
Things that Must be Considered in The Diet

Diet without complying with the rules will make futile efforts. Therefore, observe the following things in order to do a successful diet.

Many dieters have a wrong perception about diet. For example, avoid desserts. In fact, during the fair portion of it is legitimate. Well, you want to succeed on a diet? Here's his review, as reported Newsmaxhealth.

  1. Avoid consumption of eggs

    Egg has long been known as one of the causes of diet failure. Eggs are thought to improve cholesterol and unhealthy for the heart. However, if only up to 70 calories, eggs contain high-quality protein, and vitamins and minerals essential for brain and eye health.

  2. Eating a low fat diet

    Your body needs fat to work optimally. Vitamins A, D, E, and K require fat for absorption role maximum. Moreover, fat also makes you feel full longer. The key is to consume only 30 unsaturated fats in your diet.

  3. Eat desserts

    Never avoid sweets after dinner. Actually you can enjoy dinner dessert menu, but not excessive portions. This can help cravings in the middle of the night because you have previously satisfied.

  4. Avoid fast food

    Avoid foods that are less nutritious in fast food restaurants, such as french fries, cheese and cream sauce, and choose foods that are baked. In addition, you should avoid fizzy drinks and multiply the consumption of salad in order to get a lot of nutrients.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sexually Transmitted Diseases to Watch Out For : Sexually Transmitted Diseases to Watch Out For
Sexually Transmitted Diseases to Watch Out For

Sexually transmitted diseases should be wary of all people. Because the disorder not only lose confidence, the condition can create a gap in your relationship harmony. So, what's a sexually transmitted disease? The answer is as follows, as reported Healthmeup.

  1. Pubic Lice

    Pubic lice are lice that likes to settle themselves in the genitals, hands, fingers or chest hair. They appear in the form of eggs or lice are attached to the hair and can be spread if not treated. They cause itching in one area there are ticks. Pubic lice can occur through the existence of sexual contact, but a person can also be contracted from infected dair bed linen, clothes or toilet seats.

  2. Syphilis

    Syphilis is a serious sexually transmitted disease, which may not always show symptoms and can be very dangerous. It is caused by infection with a bacterium called Treponema pallidum and is transmitted through direct contact when someone is not wearing a condom. Although these symptoms are rare, wound around the rectum, vagina, genital area showed the presence of syphilis. In addition, other signs are more sores that appear as large bite marks and painful. The condition can also be accompanied by hair loss, sore throat, or blisters on the skin. The easiest way to diagnose whether a person has syphilis is with a blood test.

  3. Genital Warts

    Genital warts or warts on the genitals that there is one sexually transmitted disease that often occurs in a person. The condition is caused by a virus called Human Papilloma, which appears in the form of warts around the genital area, therefore it is called genital warts. Once a person is infected, it may take approximately three months for warts to appear. These warts are very contagious and can cause other symptoms such as muscle pain, pain during urination or swollen glands near the genitals. If there is someone who is experiencing it, it is advisable to go to a specialist consult. Because the virus can not be cured permanently though warts can disappear a time.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advantages of Organic Foods : Advantages of Organic Foods
Advantages of Organic Foods

Buy and consume organic food has become a new trend in society. That's because organic foods have more benefits assessed. What are they?
The biggest benefit of organic food is their higher nutritional value and are environmentally friendly. This can happen because of the growth process, such food was given an injection of pesticides or hormones in it. Or in other words, the only organic foods through natural processes.

As you know, everything will naturally still provide tremendous benefits to the body. Interested in knowing more in excess of organic food? Here goes the full review, as reported Magforwomen.

  1. You reduce the consumption of harmful chemicals

    Fruits and vegetables are organically grown without chemical-based fertilizers are given and may mature naturally. Because no use of fertilizers, your chances of ingesting harmful chemicals from food also declined. Hazardous chemicals and heavy doses can affect your body for years.

  2. There was no growth hormones in meat

    Organic meat must also be a selection of foods, as animals grow in an organic way, or not injected with growth hormones or steroids, the body will grow faster. When we eat animals that have been injected with hormones, it will affect the body and cause changes in our bodies. But if you eat meat without hormone injections, you do not have to worry about hormones or steroids.

  3. Environmentally Friendly

    It is not only harmful pesticides and fertilizers, but organic farming also takes care of the land and should not wear excessive. Care must be given to soil soil where fruits and vegetables have a lot of fruit. Provide enough time for the soil under normal conditions, an important part of organic farming. In addition, organic farming efforts also reduce ground water pollution because no pesticides are used.

  4. Nutritional value of organic food

    When fruits and vegetables grown naturally without the intervention of pesticides, both of which will result in more phytochemicals (vitamins and antioxidants). In addition, they are also more nutritious. As is known, pesticides also cause headaches associated, nausea, cancer, birth defects, and many other health problems.

  5. Organic food is not irradiated

    Although organic food is more easily damaged, but organic food is safer and healthier for consumption. That's because organic food is not irradiated in order to last a long time. As for strawberries, lettuce, meat, poultry and cabbage are some foods that should grow organically. That's because not only in terms of taste that much better, but also much more healthy, safe and nutritious.

The Adverse Effects of Excessive Sleep : The Adverse Effects of Excessive Sleep
The Adverse Effects of Excessive Sleep

Sleep is an important activity for the rest of your body from fatigue. The length of time you sleep can affect health, either lack of sleep or excessive sleeping or sleeping mostly.

The usual duration of sleep is recommended approximately 5-9 hours, and exceeding it may impact on the health of the body. Following the adverse effects of excessive sleep for health, as reported by Boldsky.

  • Headache

    Excessive sleep has a very bad effect that can be felt directly, ie headache. Usually, these headaches are similar to those you experienced when drunk. When you experience this, you should avoid caffeine and take medicine if the headache is not reduced.

  • Obesity

    Long-term adverse effects of excessive sleep is obese, the body began to be overweight. This is because the body is less mobile, so it does not burn body fat and start to accumulate. For that, try to exercise in order to burn body fat, thereby reducing body weight and become fit again.

  • Diabetes

    For the long term, excessive sleep can lead to increased risk of diabetes. The level of sugar in the blood can be increased if you have poor sleeping habits, so diabetics should avoid excessive sleep. You must have enough sleep and routine every night to avoid the risk of developing diabetes.

  • Lack of concentration

    Excessive sleep makes the brain work slow down so it can not fully concentrate on your work. It is the short-term effects of excessive sleep, but can lead to many problems in daily life. Therefore, you should set your bedtime to avoid excessive or less bunk bed.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Benefits of Consuming Radish for the Health : Benefits of Consuming Radish for the Health
Benefits of Consuming Radish for the Health

Radish is one vegetable that contains many nutrients and minerals essential for health. For example, radishes contain antioxidants, B vitamins, folic acid, calcium and phytonutrients.

The number of the nutritional content of radish make it very good for health. The following are some of the benefits of eating turnips as reported by Boldsky.

  • Preventing heart disease

    Radish vegetables are very good for your heart health. This is because the radishes have anti-inflammatory properties which plays an important role in preventing heart disease. In addition, horseradish is also a good source of folate and vitamin B which helps improve the cardiovascular system.

  • Preventing cancer

    Radish is very rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that are known to prevent and reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, the radishes are also called glucosinolate compounds that play a role in inhibiting tumor growth. When eating these vegetables, you can prevent breast cancer and colon cancer.

  • Preventing osteoporosis

    If you want to avoid osteoporosis and joint pain, then you should incorporate in your daily menu radish. This is because the radish contains a lot of calcium, potassium and essential minerals that are necessary for bone growth.

  • Keep your eye health

    Radish is rich in lutein, so good for eye health and prevent cataracts. To eat horseradish, you can make the juice or include it on the salad menu.

  • Lose weight

    Consuming radish can help reduce weight, it is very good for you being a diet program. This is because low-calorie radish good for weight loss. In addition, radish also plays a role in regulating metabolism because the high fiber content.

Foods that Can Reproduce Sperm : Foods that Can Reproduce Sperm
Foods that Can Reproduce Sperm

Infertility is a common problem that can happen to anyone, but it is usually considered women's issues. However, it is not entirely correct because men can have fertility problems.

Infertility in men is usually associated with a decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm. And this happens for several reasons, such as smoking, eating an unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption, stress can damage sperm and cause infertility in men.

In an attempt to overcome infertility, medical science has many modern innovations are effective, but expensive. Where all people can not afford the treatment. So, it's no surprise that people choose herbs and supplements to cure infertility.

So far effective herbs in treating infertility in men as it helps increase testosterone levels and increase sperm count. So, what herbs or supplements that?

Here's a review that you can make reference, as reported Healthmeup:

  1. Ginseng

    Ginseng is an herb that improves sexual performance in men maintain hormonal balance and improve immunity.

  2. Ashwagandha root

    Ashwagandha root is traditionally used to treat infertility which will increase low sperm count and support the endocrine system.

  3. pumpkin seeds

    The seeds rich in zinc and essential fatty acids plays an important role in maintaining a healthy reproductive system.

  4. Saw palmetto

    This is an herb that is considered to have anti-inflammatory, anti-androgenic, and for urinary antiseptic. So, the man with the system immunity is bad and unhealthy dietary habits must consume this herb because it can nourish the body.

  5. ginkgo leaf

    Ginkgo supplements helps in increasing sexual arousal in men and women.

  6. maca root

    Maca root is a super food that is effective to increase libido and healthy sperm in men. These foods also increase stamina, energy, and supports normal sexual function runs.

  7. Linseed oil

    Flaxseed oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids assist in improving sperm quality. It also improves blood flow which in turn can reduce impotence.

  8. Guava

    Guava is also regarded as a fertility diet as they are rich in folate.

  9. The essential oil of rose Try adding a few drops of rose essential oil in an ounce of olive oil. Then massage on the thigh and the lower part of your stomach with this herb. In addition, rose essential oil can also be to your warm bath. The trick, you just need to add a few drops of rose essential oil into a bucket of water.
  10. oat

    Or similar oat cereal derived from grain is processed through various processes is sexual ernergiser for men. So, try to eat a tablespoon of oats in your daily menu every day.

  11. tribulus fruit

    This fruit is known to be able to increase the production of testosterone. In addition, this fruit also increases the sperm count and sperm health.

  12. yohimbe

    It is a well-known herb, which is used to improve blood circulation to the erectile tissue. Yohimbe will widen blood vessels and lower blood pressure, thereby expanding the blood vessels in the sexual organs and improve reflexes. Yohimbe is also useful in order to effect a person stronger.

Related to the above, keep in mind that this is just a food supplement, not a substitute for a healthy diet and stress-free lifestyle. It is important to understand all people to maintain a current lifestyle and a healthy diet, they get good and satisfactory results. Then, before you consume these herbs in any form, such as tablets, powders and tea, consult your doctor, so that you are aware of the risks and benefits. You need to be patient and consistent when taking one of these herbs and do not exceed the recommended dose.